House of Names Characters
Guess what? We got some regular faces returning for another look at their moral characters! Clytemnestra's and Orestes' pictures will look familiar but Electra is actually a character now so she gets a picture! Yay! We get to see the three characters react to Iphigenia's death and the slow build up of mistrust from the surviving family. Clytemnestra is painted in a more sympathetic light, she's a mom who's grieving and just wants revenge on those who killed her daughter. Orestes is just a little kid who is confused by what happened then manipulated by literally everyone to achieve their goals. And Electra is a woman who thinks what was rightfully hers was taken and will do anything to correct what she views as a slight. Some serious family counseling would have saved them a lot of grief. Toibin adds some original characters to help flesh out Orestes backstory, Leander and Mitros. It helps give Orestes some character when he has people to bounce his personality off of. And here is a nice family flowchart if you really want to know the nitty gritty family tree of this crazy family.